Author Archives: beaderchin


Anyone who knows me, knows that I love color.  I love to play around with different color palettes to see what I can come up with.  So when I read that Margie Deeb and Bead & Button were issuing a color challenge, I knew I wanted to participate.  Margie wrote three articles (Bead & Button August, October and December issues) and you were to create a piece based on the concepts of any article.  As my own personal challenge, I tried to incorporate the concepts of all three articles into my jewelry.  Here’s what I submitted:

Warm and Cool Necklace

As with any contest, you never know what will happen.  But after a few months, I was excited to learn that my necklace was chosen as a winner!

April Bead & Button

In addition to the honor of appearing in the April issue, I was fortunate to receive several goodies including an autographed The Beader’s Color Palette, a big pile of beads and a subscription to Bead & Button magazine!

BB color winnings collage

Thank you Margie and Bead & Button!


Color challenge bracelet


Do you love color?  I certainly do and am always looking for inspiration.  A great place for inspiration is Brandi Hussey’s BrandiGirlBlog.  She creates some amazing color palettes.  In celebration of launching her new book, Understanding Color, she issued a Color Challenge & Giveaway, and I thought it would be fun to participate. Continue reading